“Needle to sea bottom (海底針)” is a reversal technique when the wrist is gripped by the enemy.
In Chinese martial arts, a joint lock technique is called Qinna (擒拿).
Let me explain the technique of “Needle to sea bottom” of Taijiquan (太極拳).
The enemy grabs your right wrist with the right hand.
You lightly put the left hand on the enemy’s grip, rotate the gripped wrist with the lever principle and put your hand on to the enemy’s wrist like a hook. (See the blow photo) Then, drop it down straightly to the ground with the power of the fingertip directly connected to the power of the lower waist and hip. And take a step lightly with the left foot. (See the top photo)
Rather than looking at the head of the enemy who laid the face down, keep your head up and pay attention to the surroundings. Taijiquan normally considers multiple enemies.
The technique of “Needle to sea bottom” is named by the expression of inserting the needle to the sea bottom from the action which inserting the fingertip on the ground.
There are two tips to make this technique successful. Rotate based on the contact point. Do not move the contact point. The opponent strengthens the grip if you moved the gripped point. Another tip is not to use arm power from beginning to end, it works when you only use the power of the fingertip connected to the lower waist and hip. Do not use the muscle power against the muscle power.
When it comes to “Needle to sea bottom”, many Taijiquan masters have explained various ways of applications with their imaginations. However, the traditional technique was born during the creator’s fighting. I believe the usage of “Needle to sea bottom” is only this one.