Bow Stance Walk 3

並進運動 弓歩 太極拳
Translational Motion – Bow Stance Walk


Ji(擠) in Tai Chi is a teleportation movement to get in the opponent fighting barrier.

It is the action of taking the opponent’s midline and is related to the gait.

There’s nothing more scary than an enemy’s fist or face appears in front of you instantly.


Let me explain more.

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Bow Stance

Tai Chi is the northern style of Chinese martial arts, and bow stance is fundamentally used for strikes and punches.

Most parts of the Tai Chi forms (套路) are repetitions of this bow stance.

If you did not master the bow stance, you could not defeat people with Tai Chi’s palm strike.


Let’s explain.

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Horse Stance

馬步 太極拳 騎馬立ち
Horse Stance

Horse stance is the fundamental stance in all style of martial arts. Japanese Karate also has horse stance named Kiba-dachi.

In Chinese martial arts, the way of standing differs from school to school.

What does the Tai Chi horse stance look like?

Let’s explain.


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Middle Dantian

Taijiquan, Tai Chi
Middle Dantian

Today’s topic  is Middle Dantian.

If you just say “Dantian”, it is generally pointed out Low Dantian, which is located about 10 cm beneath the navel.

This is the center of energy and also the center of gravity of the body.

Stable movement with high efficiency can be done if setting the starting point of movement here.

Low Dantian is very famous as “Dantian”.


However, it seems that the existence of Middle Dantian is not well known.

This time, based on my martial arts experience, I would like to talk about Middle Dantian.

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Top Force with The Neck Empty

太極拳 虛領頂勁 虛靈頂勁 虚领顶劲 虚灵顶劲
Top Force with The Neck Empty

(虚領頂勁 虚霊頂勁 虛領頂勁 虛靈頂勁 虚领顶劲 虚灵顶劲)

In the sports world, there is the word of “entering the zone”.

What does it mean? If you enter the zone, you can drive your best performance.  In this state, relaxing and tense are living together, and your concentration is peak. You are in mysterious state.


Traditional theory in Taijiquan tells us an importance of “Top force with the neck empty (虛領頂勁)”.

Today, I would like to explain the relation between “Top force with the neck empty” and “entering the zone”.

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Horse Patrol Stands High

太極拳 高探馬 太极拳 高探马
Taijiquan Horse Patrol Stands High 1

“Horse patrol stands high (高探馬)” is a technique to hit down with your right hand, with controlling the opponent with your left hand.

This technique itself is not special, very simple as many martial arts have this technique. But, it might be different in the point of view how to use the power of the backbone.

Let me explain.

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