In the sports world, there is the word of “entering the zone”.
What does it mean? If you enter the zone, you can drive your best performance. In this state, relaxing and tense are living together, and your concentration is peak. You are in mysterious state.
Traditional theory in Taijiquan tells us an importance of “Top force with the neck empty (虛領頂勁)”.
Today, I would like to explain the relation between “Top force with the neck empty” and “entering the zone”.
“Grasp the Peacock’s Tail (攬雀尾)” is often compared with “Lazily Tying Coat (懶扎衣)” of Chen style Taijiquan, but these two are completely different techniques.
Grasp the Peacock’s Tail is a joint lock technique and it’s application is veiled. Let’s get started to explain what it is.
“Horse patrol stands high (高探馬)” is a technique to hit down with your right hand, with controlling the opponent with your left hand.
This technique itself is not special, very simple as many martial arts have this technique. But, it might be different in the point of view how to use the power of the backbone.