Taijiquan has a technique called Fair Lady Shuttles. With the suppleness of a woman like, you invite the enemies on the left and right, and defeats them alternately like shuttle loom weaving. The shuttle means a left and right movement.
Taijiquan, Back to the tradition
There are no martial arts without Jin (勁). What is a traditional Neijin (内勁)?
Taijiquan has a technique called Fair Lady Shuttles. With the suppleness of a woman like, you invite the enemies on the left and right, and defeats them alternately like shuttle loom weaving. The shuttle means a left and right movement.
In Chen Taijiquan, Six-seal and Single whip are the techniques used as a set. Nowadays in our period, Taijiquan has been loosing martial arts aspects gradually.
Only the form has remained, and its application seems to be unknown to the public.
If I am asked what the most commonly used kick in Taijiquan, it will be a toe kick.
In a street fight, it is natural to kick the opponent’s abdomen with the toes of leather shoe, and becomes an effective technique.
Let me explain it.
In Northern Chinese martial arts, “Stroking the wild horses mane (野馬分鬃)” is taught as a side strike with the backhand fist from the cross hands.
However, Tai Chi does not use a backhand fist, it is a strike with the backhand open palm.
Let’s explain.
Cloud hands are Tai Chi (Taijiquan) essential movements.
There could not be Tai Chi without practicing the cloud hands.
Tai Chi uses the hands as touching sensors.
This is the Tai Chi fighting style.
“Grasp the Peacock’s Tail (攬雀尾)” is often compared with “Lazily Tying Coat (懶扎衣)” of Chen style Taijiquan, but these two are completely different techniques.
Grasp the Peacock’s Tail is a joint lock technique and it’s application is veiled. Let’s get started to explain what it is.
“Horse patrol stands high (高探馬)” is a technique to hit down with your right hand, with controlling the opponent with your left hand.
This technique itself is not special, very simple as many martial arts have this technique. But, it might be different in the point of view how to use the power of the backbone.
Let me explain.
Heel Kick (蹬脚)
Generally speaking, people who are doing Taijiquan seem to be not good at kicking. I often see the kick that the direction of power is not focused when kicking with a toe or with a heel.
Taijiquan warriors mainly use a palm to give the shock to the brain during fighting. However, there is also a technique of the fist attack that breaks bones.
“Step Forward Parry block and Punch (進步搬攔捶)” is a technique to throw the punch toward the center of the chest while blocking the opponent’s guard hand.
The chest plate is covered with thick muscles so that there is an image that it would be difficult to give the damage on it with punches.
However, there is no muscle in the center of the chest, you can attack the bone directly.
Let’s explain the details of the technique.
“Flash through Back (閃通背)” is a technique of counter attack with the palm strike.
Let me explain it.